Our Team

We’re proud to be working with some of the most experienced, talented, and fun people in skydiving.

Our drop zone’s core values are the amazing experiences that we strive to deliver to our customers and our team; the culture of safety that is the backbone of our operation; teamwork; passion for our sport; and of course, the good vibes!

Would you like to join our team? Reach out, we’d love to talk!

Orange divider
Man in headset


Boss man and Chief pilot
He rides around on a golf cart and tells people what to do.


Boss lady, Chief of happiness 
Makes sure that everyone is smiling

A woman holds dog.


Chief of Manifest
If you have a puppy or an extra Red Bull, please proceed to the priority line.

A man smiles in skydiving gear


Tandem & AFP instructor, S&TA, rigger
Can answer any question related to skydiving with confidence and encyclopedic accuracy.

A man points at the camera


Tandem & AFP Instructor
Has 35,000+ jumps and knows literally everything.

Man hangs off plane smiling


AFP Instructor, Videographer
Responds to Zabu, Zobo, Zorbs, and Igbo
Signature landing move: kicking the orange safety cones.

Man with camera jumps out the plane


AFP Instructor, Videographer
Specializes in prank calling Manifest.

Man points to camera with both hands


Safety & Training Advisor, ground school instructor
Shares his wisdom with the new generations of skydivers.

a man holding a 'thumbs up'

Jimmy H.

Tandem & AFP Instructor, Videographer
He likes angle jumps, swooping, free diving and Indian cuisine.

a man with sunglasses standing in front of a hangar


Video editor and Gift shop guy
Works two jobs at once thanks to the multitasking powers of his magical green Crocs.

Man smiles in helmet


Tandem & AFP Instructor
When he’s not jumping, he’s raising 3 future skydiving instructors.


Parachute packer
Found exclusively at Amish markets.


Doesn’t listen to jazz, but has to listen to Allen all day.


Videographer, Coach
If you find a stray cat, he will adopt it. One day we found three of them.


Video Editor, Gift Shop Guy
Pro rollerblader. Here on the days when Eric can’t find his multitasking crocs.


Manifesting master
An aviation nerd and a devoted Floridian stranded in New Jersey.

a man skydiving


Tandem Instructor, Videographer
A creative soul specializing in tattoos and tie dye. Only wears shoes when he absolutely has to.

Man in sunglasses steps out of building


Chief packer
If you’re lucky, you’ll catch his good side. None of us are lucky. But we like him anyway.

Woman in purple glasses smiles after landing


Parachute packer
Paramedic and foster mama to many pets.

a man with sunglasses pointing to a plane about to take off

Jimmy F.

Ground crew
Can weld a parachute out of metal. Practical applications are limited, but it looks cool.

a man and child in the cockpit of a plane


Happy to chat with you whenever he is not taking off or landing. Responds to JD, DJ, and “hey you”.

Giant dog jumps up at man


Conveniently counter-height. Don’t leave your lunch unattended.


Coach, ground crew
He coaches advanced skills and keeps our premises tidy with his mighty mustache powers.


A collector of fun cars who is a little sketched out by hairbrushes.


Videographer, AFP Instructor
A vintage artifact from the 1990s. Still can’t act like an adult, and we wouldn’t want him to.

The other Jeremy

Videographer, AFP instructor
He shreds in the sky and dances at hibachi tables.